Our Story
The story begins with Robert’s passion in creativity, believing ‘The world needs good art, and all serious artists should be rewarded for their talents.’
Rob’s enthusiasm for art started at an early age, always gravitating towards drawing. But when it came to considering a career he decided on pursuing an alternative passion, becoming a ski instructor. Robert rotated around the worlds hemispheres for 14 years, teaching in beautiful countries around Europe, Japan & Australia. Using photography as his creative outlet.
Until life took a sudden different direction, when Robert snapped his achilles and then within weeks Covid struck. Moving back to England to rehabilitate, Robert now had time on his hands to once again to pick up a pencil. To go back to his very first passion, and this is when he transitioned into becoming a full time artist.
The next 4 years that followed were consumed by drawing, learning new techniques and showing at art fairs. In this time he met his partner Zoë, who also shared a love for art and they soon began to plan their first joint venture.
In 2022, Rob & Zoë set up Folkestone Art Gallery and after almost 2 years of building up a large network of artists and strong relationships with local restaurants, hotels & private residences they decided to change their focus from the gallery and this is how Buchanan Art was born.
With a vision to continue to connect talented artist with creative projects.
